Behaves like unix mkdir -p. Will create intermediate dirs in the path if they don't exist. Can optionally specify permissions (default is 0755). New dirs will be created with the specified permissions but exisiting dirs in the path will not be changed.
new MakeDir('path/to/new/dir'); // default permissions 0755
new MakeDir('path/to/new/dir', 0711); // optionally specify permissions
Delete a dir and all of its contents.
new DeleteBranch('path/to/deletable/');
// keep the branch root dir but delete all contents
new DeleteBranch('path/to/deletable/', false);
If filesystem traversal is split off from the actual processing, it's easy to implement operations such as backups, searches, or etc.
Nowadays there are iterators in php5 which can handle filesystem traversal if you want to use them instead. They look unnecessarily complicated to me. A good filesystem traversal class should be a pared down traversal algorithm, nothing more.
Extend BranchReader and implement _dir(), _file() or _link() as required. Found items will be passed to these methods.
class MyClass extends BranchReader {
function _dir($parent_dir, $name) {
// do something with the dir
function _file($parent_dir, $name) {
// do something with the file
function _link($parent_dir, $name) {
// do something with the symlink
A rather naive example which would display file encodings:
class ShowFileEncodings extends BranchReader {
function _file($parent_dir, $item) {
echo $item . "\t" ;
echo mb_detect_encoding(file_get_contents($parent_dir . $item));
echo "\n";
To read through a branch:
$branch = new ShowFileEncodings($branch_root_dir);
The read() method will return boolean true if the branch root exists and is readable. False if not.
Sometimes you may want to stop mid-read. For example, a search application doesn't need to continue searching after it has found the item you're looking for. Throw a StopNow exception:
class MyClass extends BranchReader {
function _file($parent_dir, $name) {
if($something) {
throw new StopNow;
SelectiveBranchReader is a subclass of BranchReader which allows the user to define policies for followable dirs and processable files. Policies should implement an "isValid" method which returns boolean true/false — see policies & predicates.
Processing is handed over to an aggregated processor object rather than a subclass.make both same?<--> All processor classes should implement:
interface BranchProcessor {
function processDir($parent_dir, $item);
function processFile($parent_dir, $item);
function processLink($parent_dir, $item);
$branch = new SelectiveBranchReader(
$branch->setProcessor(new YourProcessor);
Alternatively, you can pass the processor at instantiation:
$branch = new SelectiveBranchReader(
new YourProcessor);
As you might expect, if a policy returns true the item will be passed on to the processor. Dirs are checked with the followable dirs policy and files are checked with the wanted files policy.
Note that the full path is passed to the followable dirs policy but only the file name is passed to the wanted files policy (all the dirs in the full path have already been checked against the followable dirs policy).
For example, to ignore the contents of working copy .svn dirs and to process all other files:
$branch = new SelectiveBranchReader(
new Negation(new MatchesPattern('/\.svn/')),
new Allow,
new YourProcessor);
When a new dir is found, a decision has to be made if its contents should be examined (ie the dir is "followable") and also if the dir itself should be passed to the aggregated processor. Note that "followable" and "processable" are held to mean the same thing. If they don't, add further path filters in the processor.
A BranchProcessor for SelectiveBranchReader. Returns path of first file whose contents match the specified regex pattern. To search all files in all dirs of $branch_root_dir:
$finder = new SelectiveBranchReader(
new Allow,
new Allow,
new FindInFiles('/perl regex/'));
Subclass of BranchReader. Very simple to use:
new CopyBranch($from, $to);
BranchReader Subclass. Note recursive traversal is turned off so you only get the contents of the named dir.
$folder = new DirectoryContents($dir);
// getters return an array
A BranchProcessor used to apply an edit to all files in a branch (see SelectiveBranchReader).
First you need to define the edit to be applied. FileEditor accepts an Editor object which implements (in the loose sense) either:
interface Editor {
function edit($string); // returns the edited string
interface ResettableEditor {
function edit($string);
function reset($current_path);
You might need a reset() method if there are any "bullets left in the barrel" issues. The current path (the file being edited) is passed to reset().
A simple example:
class FindReplace { // implements Editor
function __construct($from, $to) {
$this->_from = $from;
$this->_to = $to;
function edit($string) {
return str_replace(
If you want to apply several edits, use the composite Editors class:
$editors = new Editors;
$editors->add(new MyEditor);
$editors->add(new AnotherEditor);
Putting it all together:
$editors = ... your choice ... ;
$branch = new SelectiveBranchReader(
new Allow, // or etc
new Allow,
new FileEditor($editors));